Lost Abyss

“Beating monsters, collecting accessories and parts, building up your unique weapons.”

Game Designer, Producer | 13-Person Project | miHoYo Training Program | Aug, 2021

Experience Goal

The fulfillment of growing up: beat monsters, collect accessories, reach a strong build and kill the boss.

 Control, Camera, Character

  • An easy-to-learn twin stick control scheme.

  • Direct responses during fast-pace battle.

  • Characters’ skills affects battle tactics and build strategies.


Iteration of Third-Person POV

There is a conflict between third-person shooting experience and the graphics of trajectory: the closer the weapon is to the crosshair, the easier it is to aim and shoot; on the contrary, the farther the weapon is from the crosshair, the better it is to show the trajectories.

Through rounds of playtests, I found the balance between the two mentioned aspects.

Enemy System

