“finding balance and contentment after struggling in a physically, visually, and emotionally polarized world”
Co-director, Engineer | Team of 3 | Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
I worked with artist/designer Kat Donahue and musician Ali Tahir to create this interactive vignette—a short game that merges a strikingly bold monochomatic art style with a variety of innovative gameplay. While co-designing the game with Kat, I was also responsible for the engineering and tech design side of the game, including:
Game Architecture - implemented a robust and extensible sequence-based architecture to support the design, implementation and iteration of a wide range of unique gameplay sequences as well as multiple game systems such as the Saving System, Telemetric System, etc.
Various Gamplay Mechanics - prototyped and co-designed the mechanics of the game that create contrasting tactile experience that shifts from peaceful and relaxing to jarring and stressful.
AI Design - conceptualized and developed the behaviors of different friendly / hostile NPCs in the game.
Technical Art - wrote custom sprite shaders to enable the complex sprite / UI mask interactions.
Audio Implementation - worked closely with our composer to create an extremely adpative score for the game using WWISE.
Game Production - created and maintained the Game Macro and Game Burn-down Chart with Kat and adopted a sustainable, efficient, and playful production process instructed by our professor Richard Lemarchand.
Game Sequences
Sequence Metrics Data Collected from Alpha Playtest
Technical Architecture